Is that a bad thing? Who knows. A small part of me vomits and stabs itself when I see the pictures of the effortlessly (but so effortfully) styled Mica Levi frolicking like a vagina-ised Pete Doherty. But then the itching, effervescent robo-disco brilliance of her debut LP Jewellery hits in and I can’t hate, I just cant. Thing is, this is an album that embraces all sonic dispositions. It kicks cans with lo-fi shufflers; wallops beats with the hippest dub cat; and shits effervescent pop like a laxative sniffing Lilly Allen.
In short, I’m bombastically confident the Matthew Herbert (yep, Matthew fucking Herbert !) produced LP will crack into your cranium with all the velocity of an engine frozen Boeing 777 (WHAT THE FUCK?!?!). Aye, I may be wrong – after all I’m someone who made a bet that Glasvegas would shift less units than Broken Records last year (i.e. I’m a Div Kid) – but this time I doubt it. So, drop your pretensions at the door and give in. You won’t be the only one.
You've got a great a blofg going on here.
Thanks for the read, Shane
Hey, I'm Ulysses Campbell -
an independent indie electro 8 bit electronica (whatever you want to call it) artist. I'm based out of St. Petersburg, FL - and I'm planning on releasing my new album soon (it is my third under the "Ulysses Campbell" alias). I was wondering if you would consider reviewing or featuring the album on your awesome blog. I've been reviewed by such blogs as "Indie Update" and "Pop Apocalypse" - I just say this to make it clear that you'll probably dig my jams.
here's my myspace, if you want to read the reviews - listen to a few tracks, get a feel for my music:
here's the link to the album download if you want to hear the whole thing:
hope you check it out! Thanks!
-Ulysses Campbell
(p.s. sorry to resort to leaving you a post but I couldn't find any other sort of contact address)
This is very interesting information. die casting
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